Worthy of MORE
Pre-Marriage Encouragement
by Angel Diane
Worthy of More is a book in the works that speaks to the girl that has been considered TOO MUCH for wanting MORE!
You wanted to be pursued FIRST above anything else he does.
You wanted to be free to pursue him back with no un-goldy performances required.
You wanted his eyes to show a mirror reflection back to you as the most beautiful woman in his world.
You never wanted to have one day when you had to compete with anything or anyone else for his affection.
You wanted a "Lifetime" commitment.
You wanted to be a WIFE, not a play toy or a possession.
You wanted to be encouraged to pursue your God-given talents and gifts.
You wanted him to invest his time, resources, and effort into you as if you had something beautiful to offer him, your children, and the rest of the world.
You wanted to matter so much to him that he CONSIDERED you first, before himself.
You wanted to be safe with him, convinced that he would do anything to protect your honor, your dignity, your dreams, your children, and your home.

Worthy of More
Pre-Marriage Encouragement
This book comes from the countless hours Angel has mentored girls who struggle with the reality that the guy they want to be may not be the one.
Angel would love to hear feedback from girls interested in sharing their stories.
Angel Diane will share her research for this book at a Weekend Beach Retreat at Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Worthy of MORE-Beach Retreat coming in Fall 2024

"This is about my life and what I have learned the hard way. I write this hoping you can be equipped from the beginning of your marriage to know that the MORE you wanted is definitely inside the ONE you married!" -Angel Diane
Worthy of MORE- Introduction
Worthy of MORE is a book about what I wanted in my future husband.
Like most girls, I was in love with my high school sweetheart. We were on what I thought was the ideal path to the perfect future: college, marriage, kids, and white picket fences.
Till one day, he made ONE statement that opened my eyes!
This wonderful CHRISTIAN guy gave me a request laced with an ultimatum. “I love you, but I am ready for more of a physical relationship. And if you're not ready, I must start dating other people.”
I could hear a voice inside me whisper, “That's not true love; it will not last you a lifetime.”
Although I loved him and did not want to lose him, I loved God more.
I wanted to have more respect for myself than to fall for his request for wanting MORE, and I quickly realized that I also wanted MORE. I wanted to be loved better than that.
I faced making the right choice of saying no to the request and waiting for the man who would love me MORE. I let him go date, other people.
That choice ripped my heart out and laid it bare and broken for two excruciating years!
But I WANTED MORE! I wanted a TRUE love that would LAST and be ENOUGH for my whole life.
I could have accepted the request and kept my relationship with the current man of my dreams, but deep down inside, I knew that I would not be loved for the rest of my life the way I truly longed to be loved completely, wholly, and without performance.
I had to choose to WAIT FOR MORE!
I believed that God loved me and that if He loved me, there had to be MORE!
For two years, I wondered if MORE was in the cards for my life.
Would my past traumas, learned behaviors, and baggage keep me from ever being able to have a relationship with someone who truly loved me? Would a man do anything or give anything to stay in a pure, holy, unadulterated relationship with me?
Was there a man that would find my personality, looks, energy, and whimsical goal-seeking self so endearing that he would consider it an honor to be in the same room with me? I knew that happened for some girls, but could that happen for the dirt road, tomboy, backwoods country girl with no money?
This book is for the girl that seems to be TOO MUCH because she wants MORE! I was that girl!
I had to wait! I cried myself to sleep more nights than I care to count!
But the day, Jeff West walked into my life, I looked up to heaven and said, “Thank God I didn't marry the other guy”!!!
Below is a list of things I WANTED from my future fiance/husband, and I ultimately found them in my now husband of 30 years.
But first, a warning: this list made me be considered TOO MUCH for the WRONG guy.
However, this list was God’s best for me, and after the RIGHT guy came along, I realized that God had put those desires in me.
I also found that God was not only the one that helped me through every day of the painful waiting process; he was the one who charged me to wait for more. He was the still, small voice that said, “Don't take the ultimatum; that’s not true love; it will not last you a lifetime.”
The girl that is accused of being TOO MUCH wants these things:
She wants to be pursued FIRST above anything else he does.
She wants to be free to pursue him with no un-godly performances required.
She wants his eyes to show a mirror reflection of herself as the most beautiful woman in his world.
She never wants to have one day when she has to compete with anyone or anything for his attention or affection.
She wants a lifetime commitment.
She wants to be a Wife, not a play toy or a possession.
She wants to be encouraged to pursue her God-given talents and gifts.
She wants him to invest his time, resources, and effort into her as if she has something beautiful to offer him, their children, and the rest of the world.
She wants to matter so much to him that he considers her first before himself..
She wants to be safe with him, knowing he would do anything to protect her honor, dignity, dreams, children, and home.
Women are born with these desires. They long for them from their dad and then transfer the same longing to their fiance/ husband.
I must admit that this list is complicated and not for the faint.
This list is for a REAL man of God that has a REAL love for the woman he is in pursuit of.
Yes, it asks for more than many men are willing to give.
But honestly, I have found those same men will rise to the occasion and give these things to the woman they truly LOVE.
So the cool thing is that if a man reads this list and doesn't want to do these things for his current girlfriend...maybe he should ask himself, “Is she the one for me?”
And if he does want to do these things for his current girlfriend, yet she doesn't care and doesn't seem to be responsible for his efforts, he may need to re-evaluate the situation.
From what I have observed, these things come more easily and somewhat naturally to a man that loves a woman.
In my book, As for ME and MY House, I have packed it full of small chapters for couples to consider together. Are you the one for me?
It is a pre-marriage encouragement book that equips couples to discuss how they view every aspect of their future lives.
They can agree or compromise on how they want issues that married couples face addressed.
With this book's help, couples can learn how to do this together before marriage.
In reading each chapter and doing the corresponding worksheet together, I pray that a couple thinking of heading to the altar will realistically look at their partner and themselves to make sure they are truly the ones meant to encourage and uplift the other one for a lifetime.
In each chapter, I reference a specific instance from my life or marriage and the scripture God used to teach me these truths. From the day I was given an ultimatum, I started learning what I WANTED for ME and MY House.
This is about my life and what I have learned the hard way with the help of the Lord. I have come to learn that this is every girl's story. So I write this book hoping every girl who would like to get married someday can be equipped with something of great value; my experience of walking with God and waiting on the right relationship.
I hope every girl from the beginning of her relationship and when she walks down the aisle will have the assurance of God that the MORE she wants is definitely inside the ONE she is marrying!
-Angel Diane